

-Today was the big day of the shark tank presentations. My team did a great job conveying our ideas and explaining our app. We emphasized the ideas of ease of use, accessibility, and overall simplicity. In this market the consumers require the simplest product, and we hope to deliver an ultimately superior method of taking attendance for teachers. Many of the teacher representatives, the "sharks", gave us great feedback and ideas to further develop our app. We mentioned both the AttendanceWizard and HomeworkWizard apps, in order to receive their ideas on whether or not a teach dependent homework calendar would be possible. From the shark tank, we got ideas to add a lateness counter, birthday notifications, and allow teachers to access each other's homeroom lists. After the shark tank, we had a quick programming lesson on creating databases and linking them to websites. I also began to develop our app logo, which is a modified version of the EA shield. I am looking forward to our progress and seeing how far the design can go.

-Facebook Page is up and running.  Please LIKE!!


Today was more of a work day for our team.  We started building our app on X-Code by putting together the layout of the app. It is going along well.  We also met with Mr. Pearson, a teacher at the Episcopal Academy who will help us by connecting an online database that will make our app work.  We talked to him about a time frame, logistics, and ease of the connection.  Because of our app is targeting teachers here at Episcopal, most of our marketing will be here around school, rather than on the web.  With that said, we do have a YouTube video up. The video will be at the bottom of the post.  All smooth sailing so far for the Attendance Wizard app!  Stay tuned!


Today was a productive day for our team.  We completed the mass email and sent it to all the teachers here at EA.  This will notify them about our app and try to get them to use it.  Also, a social media expert came in today and gave us many tips on selling our apps.  We started to really utilize Twitter and other social media sites.  Follow us on Twitter @AttendWizApp


First thing today we were handed a list of deadlines to get the ball rolling. Groups were asked to create ads, storyboards, videos, and even to tweet. My team first tackled the ads, we mad a flyer and ran over to the teacher lounge and gave them to teacher mailboxes. We then began working on a final presentation ad for all the groups, and emailed to it Mrs. Edwards. While Adam typed away with Mr. Memmo, Connor and I setup the video and put together the lighting. We filmed the video and edited the audio and video together. We are looking forward to adam completing the database


Today we opened the class by watching everyone's team profile video. There was a wide array of seriousness in the posts, some being quite professional, and others simply goofy. Our video was uploaded in HD and posted to our social media sites. It can be seen here --

Next we worked on writing thank you letters to our guest speakers, Jay Edwards and Rich DiMatteo. They helped explain to us various sides of marketing and entrepreneurship. Next, Adam worked on finishing the App with Mr. Memmo and making a how our app works video. Conner and I manager social networks and talked to classrooms and offices. It was a good day at the office, and hopefully the app is finished by tomorrow!


Today was mellower than most. Adam and I focused the morning on creating a video on how our app works and displaying previews of the app on social media markets. Conner worked tirelessly on our prezi for our presentation tomorrow, and it is looking great. Conner and I also worked on writing emails to people who helped or acknowledged us along the way, and we invited them to the final presentation tomorrow. At the end of the day we worked on presentation work and Adam went in for a final programming session with Mr. Memmo. Soon, it will be time to propose our app to the App Store.

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